We’ve provided answers here to all the most commonly asked questions about StarTrack and its services. If you’re unable to find the information you need below, speak with your StarTrack Sales Representative, or phone our Contact Centre on 13 2345, anytime from 08:00am to 06:00pm weekdays.
How do I book a pick-up?
In any of three easy ways:
Phone our Contact Centre on 13 2345
If sending freight daily, arrange for a regular collection by contacting your StarTrack Account Manager
Via my StarTrack, our online consignment management system.
How long should I allow for pick-up?
For a metropolitan address, your consignment should be available for pick-up for a period of at least two hours. For regional pick-ups, allow three hours.
Can I track my freight?
Yes. You can use your consignment note number to track your freight online from the StarTrack website homepage. With Next Flight or Security Express consignments, you can also call your dedicated support team, 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 13 2345.
Who do I contact if I have a question regarding an invoice?
Please visit Billing and account help for help articles and support options.
As a StarTrack account holder, you can also email our Billing & Invoice Support Team at billing@auspost.com.au.
Who can sign for a parcel?
Anyone at the delivery location may sign, except for consignments requiring an Airlock service, which can be signed for only by the person nominated. In all cases, identification is recorded for later reference should it be required.
Identification is also required to collect a consignment directed to a local post office following an attempted delivery.
What does ‘attempted delivery’ mean?
An attempted delivery is when a driver is unable to deliver a consignment because no one is available at the delivery location to sign for it. If this occurs, the driver will leave an Attempted Delivery Advice card at the premises, which details how and when the consignment can be collected.
When can an attempted delivery be collected?
The following business day.
Can I obtain Proof of Delivery if I am NOT an account holder with StarTrack?
Yes, by calling the StarTrack Contact Centre on 13 2345. Account holders can view Proof of Delivery online, anytime, via the my StarTrack web portal.
What are StarTrack’s trading terms?
Our trading terms require you to pay within seven days from the date of our tax invoice statement.
What service and technical assistance does StarTrack provide?
As an account holder you receive access to two important StarTrack resources:
The StarTrack Contact Centre, which can help you with all day-to-day operational issues, such as Track & Trace enquiries and bookings. Call 13 2345.
The StarTrack IT Service Desk, which provides technical assistance on matters relating to the my StarTrack web portal, Despatch and eServices. Call 1800 028 361.